Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Mother of all Posts

Welcome to the What Is Sustainable blog, an online companion to the book.  The purpose of this blog is learning.  I want to learn from my readers, and I want to share things I’ve learned.
I’ve read many books over the years, and I’ve taken detailed notes on about 250 of them.  The grand plan is to post a book review every week or so.  There are a number of bright thinkers out there, both living and dead, and many of them are not enjoying a life in the spotlights — and they should be.
I confess that I haven’t spent much time in the blogosphere, and this fact will undoubtedly be apparent to those who have.  I’m open to suggestions, and to sincere feedback.  I’m not interested in spam or personal attacks, so comments of this sort will be buried without ceremony.

The book has not yet been released, but it should appear within a few weeks on first, in printed and Kindle versions.  Nook and iBook versions will come later.

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