Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Winter Solstice 2021

What a memorable year this has been.  Terrorists failed in their first attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.  The COVID family of viruses was so popular that it will return for another year of thrills, chills, ventilators, and conspiracy theories.  This has been a good year for being a writer, spending week after week in a wordsmith cave, largely isolated from viruses circulating in flesh and blood society.

Almost every day I spend 60 to 90 minutes biking on pathways along the river.  On my route is a 50 acre (20 ha) grove of forest that hasn’t been cut in maybe a hundred years.  It’s lush, green, and alive.  Songbirds fill the air with their music of love and celebration.  This is my church, a sacred place.

In the last 12 years, I’ve only seen a starry night once or twice.  There must be thousands of children in this city who have never once experienced a sky full of twinkling stars.  Moonlight is still able to penetrate the light pollution.  The moon silently watches our frantic craziness.  In years past, it watched the campfires of hunter-gatherers.  It watched the wooly mammoths come and go.  It watched the dinosaurs come and go.  It watched the dawn of life.  It will continue shining down when the lights of civilization finally blink out, and the family of life struggles to begin a long and difficult healing process.

Last year, I hoped that my book would be finished by now, but it isn’t.  I completed the rough draft in early September, minus an unwritten summary chapter, the final item on my to-do list.  Early sections of the draft date back to March 2016.  I’ve learned a lot since then.  I’m now rereading the entire manuscript, making revisions, and adding new info.  I strongly suspect that the newer sections will need less attention.  Maybe the revisions are half done.  We’ll see.  Quality is more important than speed.

Day after day, I slog through endless tedious details, resolving questions, zapping booboos, and fine-tuning the clarity.  In the end comes the joy of finishing another passage.  It’s satisfying to see that this torn and battered old brain can still produce work that warms my soul, and makes me smile with satisfaction.

Since the 2020 solstice, my blog has had 100,000+ more views.  This summer, for reasons I don’t understand, I got a surge of friend requests on Facebook, rapidly tripling my friend collection.  They came from Australia, Bali, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Cote D’Ivorie, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Gaza, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kashmir, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Zambia.

I wish I had time to chat with them, but the library gives me just one hour a day of internet access.  Right now, my primary goal in life is to finish this book.  Publishing a book can take years of effort, with no guarantees, and I’m getting old.  These days, publishers prefer books with generous servings of magical thinking, sustainable solutions, and maximum strength hopium.  That’s where the money is.  I’m interested in where the reality is, which has become an entirely different matter.

In my ten years as an author and blogger, I’ve learned that when interesting writing costs nothing, it reaches far more eyeballs than when the same material costs money.  My current plan is to skip publishing and give this book away, in digital formats, an Earth Day gift.  It’s cheap and easy to send free PDFs to folks in distant lands, rather than paperbacks.  After so many years of hard work, it would be fun to finally reach an audience.

All the best! 


  1. Well Rick the best seller list for books is full of political intragenerational and political writing.
    These days, publishers prefer books with generous servings of magical thinking, sustainable solutions, and maximum strength hopium. That’s where the money is.
    Personally revisiting Eric von d.,book cherries of the gods,1st read in college at western Michigan university, and reading and watching the u tube teaching on ancient aliens and civilization , is more interesting. As technology has shed the blindfold that deception held mankind captive too.

  2. Yes the many mythical beliefs are exposed by our increased technical knowledge.as Eric vondona, and ancient aliens.one experience I had was 35 years ago when I went to
    Medjugorje -
    Medjugorje is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km (16 mi) ... visions of Mary.
    I watched the Mary appearance on the mountain evening appearance.
    And each time there is a electric energy that distorted the atmosphere.which has been recorded.
    Events like this project mythical beliefs. Which are exposed with our technology.

  3. Hello technology is what opens our eyes and exposes the delusional history believes, another person who has had an amazing experience was.Desert Sun, 14 February 1978 — George Van Tassel Dies [ARTICLE]
    Feb 14, 1978 — Van Tassel, 67, died Thursday in Santa Ana w hile printing a publication and visiting friends. He was a 30-year resident of Landers, and created ...
    https://www.bostonglobe.com › story
    Hey, Earthlings, time to fire up that Integratron! - The Boston Globe
    Aug 30, 2018 — In late August 1953, George Van Tassel, an aeronautics engineer who once worked with Howard Hughes, was sleeping
