Friday, April 3, 2020

Free Brain Food

The following links take you to the sample sections of the rough draft of my unfinished book, Wild, Free, & Happy.  For an optimal experience, I recommend reading them in order.  Enjoy!

Full Blog Contents (Samples, Rants, 210+ Book Reviews)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 01 (Introduction)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 02 (Early Days)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 03 (Primate Relatives)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 04 (Primate Lifestyles)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 05 (Early Hominins)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 06 (Bipedal Hominins)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 07 (Fire: Big Juju)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 08 (Fire Domestication)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 09 (Neanderthals & Humans)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 10 (Genes vs. Culture)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 11 (Social Structure)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 12 (Techno Innovation)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 13 (Communication)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 14 (Out of Africa)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 15 (Smashing Limits)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 16 (Great Leap Forward)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 17 (Communal Hunting)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 18 (Extinction Spasms)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 19 (Climate Shifts)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 20 (Imperceptible Overkill)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 21 (Perfection of Hunting)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 22 (Grassland)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 23 (Super Grass)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 24 (Manmade Grassland)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 25 (Sacred Forests)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 25.5 (Stumble to Domestication)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 26 (Animal Domestication)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 27 (Pigs & Cattle)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 28 (Sheep)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 29 (Goats)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 30 (Horses)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 31 (Dogs)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 32 (Plant Domestication)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 33 (Eco-History Heroes)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 34 (Corn 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 35 (Corn 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 36 (Corn 03)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 37 (Potato)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 38 (Disease 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 39 (Disease 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 40 (Sacred Predators)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 41 (War on Forests)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 42 (Energy 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 43 (Energy 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 44 (Food: Soil)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 44 Update Destruction

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 44 Update Nutrients

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 45 (Food: Water)

Intermission (Old diary sketches)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 46 (Who Are We? 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 47 (Who Are We? 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 48 (Family Planning)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 49 (Limits)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 50 (Path to Domination 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 51 (Path to Domination 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 52 (Human Web 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 53 (Human Web 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 54 (Pirahã)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 55 (Climate 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 56 (Climate 02)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 57 (Climate 03)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 58 (Climate 04)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 59 (Island extinctions)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 60 (Climate 05)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 61 (Climate 06)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 62 (Climate 07)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 63 (Big History 01)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 64 (Big History 02)


Wild, Free, & Happy sample 80 (Megafauna Extinct rewrite)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 81 (Grassland rewrite)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 82 (Forest rewrite)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 83 (Human Web update)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 84 (Wild Free Isolation)

Wild, Free, & Happy sample 99 (Bibliography)

Bright Green Lies (Book Review)

The End of Ice (Book Review)

A Farewell to Ice (Book Review)

Life After Fossil Fuels (Book Review)

Unsettled (Book Review)

The Art of Not Being Governed (Book Review)

Megafauna (Book Review)

Under a White Sky (Book Review)

The Passenger Pigeon (Book Review)

GeoDestinies 2022 (Book Review)

Clean Green Incoherence (Rant)

Nonrenewable Geology (Rant)
Wild New World (Book Review)



  1. Thanks for the handy links, there are a few I missed.

    You might find this entertaining:

  2. Thanks Steve! I stumbled across Lynx Wilden some years ago. Interesting woman. I’ll take a look at this essay.
